Nelson writes:
New discoveries are still turning up. This partly forgotten snapshot from the Winton family album turns out to be the Maple fishing family’s shack, later rebuilt to become Sea View on the beach near the church.
Most of those in the photo are friends or relations including the Winton and Hedgecock (East Street shoemakers) families. Of particular interest is 1 Arthur Maple who built a number of bungalows on the beach and later became Superintendant for the Sea Defence Commissioners at Shoreham. Arthur and his brother Alfred 2 played football for Shoreham during the club’s most successful years and Arthur excelled at rowing, just like his father Samuel 3 who had been a champion national sculler in his earlier years. As part of the fishing business the Maples also fished oysters in the years when they were plentiful and sold them from their shop next to the Kings Head in the High Street.