Never really considered the age of this photo too much before but on looking closely it shows The Church of the Good Shepherd (1913) but no film studio (1915) added to which the Pashley brothers finally closed their flying school at Shoreham in December 1914. Perhaps the earliest aerial photo of Shoreham?

Lofty adds:
The Pashley Brothers arrived at Shoreham aerodrome in May 1913 with their Farman biplane, having previously operated at Brooklands. They initially provided joy-ride flights to the public, before forming the Sussex County Aero Club (later re-named as the South Coast Flying Club). The brothers shared a hangar with the Avro Flying School. The flying instructor for Avro was Mr Arthur Geere. On some of the Shoreham aerial view postcards, Mr Geere is credited with taking the actual photograph .
On 4th August 1914 all cross-country flying by civilian pilots was stopped by order of the Home Office, however Naval and Military flying was exempted. On that date the military requisitioned Shoreham aerodrome and all its assets.