A rare, original programme recording the competitors and events of the 1923 carnival. This small booklet measuring 4 inches by 5 inches and printed by Pope & Beesley of Middle Street reveals that from start to finish the carnival ran for a considerable nine hours but, surprisingly, on a Wednesday and not during a weekend. The story and photos of Shoreham’s regattas and carnivals, particularly the 1924 and 1926 events and the man that organized them are already included in the article ‘William Edward Winton – Regattas and Postcards.’ That article describes some of the boat races including the shovel and dog swimming events – this programme reveals a few more such as one-oar races, milk churn trundling, participation by the town’s fire brigade and even a list of the illuminated boats.
The booklet includes many familiar surnames of Shoreham families of the time, particularly those in the children’s events. Notes or points of interest about people and places mentioned have been restricted to those we know more of. These are numbered with the page to which they relate at the end of the article.








































Notes. (any already published articles relating to the persons or places are also included)
Page 1. Major Sexton was an eccentric, well-to-do character who wore military style clothes and lived at Bungalow Town in a dwelling that was constructed using Queen Victoria’s personal railway carriage. He was a very generous benefactor of Shoreham charities, events and sports clubs during the 1920’s and 30’s and a particular supporter financially of William Winton’s regattas and carnivals.

3 (continuing to 5). Stewards:- James E. Hackett was for many years a leading amateur character actor and often appeared in Brighton theatres – see article ‘Some Lesser Known Shoreham Characters’ for more information; Ernest C. Ayling, played in goal for Shoreham F.C. during their most successful years as a leading Sussex amateur football club, son of Henry who founded H. Ayling & Sons grocery stores – for further information see ‘Shoreham F.C. 1886 – 1907’; Harry Claud Lucking, the tailor and gent’s outfitter in the High Street who later moved his shop to East Street (see advert on page 27); Ernest T. Corbyn, a long standing Shoreham councilor, Corbyn Crescent was named after him; William Hughes Browning the first curator of Marlipins Museum (see article ‘The Saving of Marlipins’; Albert Patching, a well known amateur racing cyclist and secretary of Shoreham District Cycling & Athletic Club .
Starter:- Arthur C. Maple, another Shoreham F.C. footballer who played at half back during their successful years – he was married to Ivy Winton, one of W.E. Winton’s daughters.
Clerk of the Course – W. P. Glazebrook, landlord of the Bridge Hotel.
Marshall – Bill Winton, W.E. Winton’s eldest son who built a successful printing business in the town, his postcards of Shoreham are much collected today – more on him in ‘William Edward Winton – Regattas and Postcards.’

The names of the fancy dress competitions judges includes many more familiar names including Alfred Snelling who ran the butcher’s shop in the High Street (see advert on page 27); F. and B. Holloway of J.W.Holloway and Sons, the millwright and engineering company on the Brighton Road (see article ‘Mills, Millers and Millwrights’; Arthur Burfoot, one of the brothers that ran the nursery in Middle Road; Charles Peak, yet another member of the successful Shoreham football team who also ran a nursery but in Southdown Road; the Battens of course who had the dairy business (see also 4 below); the Harkers of Harkers Stores in the High Street; two of the wealthy Shoreham ship-owning Gates family – Digby Gates, solicitor and ex captain of Shoreham FC who had regularly represented his county and Thomas I. Gates, Dr. Reeks, the general practitioner in John Street.
4. The Batten family from Devon had their dairy in East Street and the Pebble Tea Lounge in Ferry Road (see also Pebble Tea Lounge advert on page 32).
5 (continuing to 7). Perhaps a mention of the ancient stones in the High Street (outside Stone House, see article ‘The Market House and Election Stone’) in this instance, used as an area for dancing on.
The General Directions & Conditions section include some interesting rules – the Dog Swimming races include an hilarious condition (but with laudable intentions) that any reluctant animals that are thrown into the water will be deemed non-starters!
Paine’s Wharf was behind Paine’s ironmongery store within the block of Dolphin Buildings that is now Coronation Green.
9. June and Dennis Hall were the children of Pansy (W.E. Winton’s daughter) – it was June that inherited the Winton photo collection (see ‘Winton Family Album’ on the Shorehambysea.com website); Dennis was killed in an accident flying for the R.A.F. during WW2. Tony Eley was the son of Myrtle (another daughter of W.E. Winton) and Reg Eley – Tony was also destined to die during WW2 as a tail-gunner on an Avro Lancaster of 57 Squadron over Germany.
11. Eileen Turrell and Emily Clement (mis-spelt with an ‘s’ in the programme) were cousins, Emily’s story is included in the article ‘Emily Winifred Elizabeth Hudson 1914 – 2005’.

12. Frank Ward was the official photographer for the event – printer/photographer Bill Winton junior undertook this task in previous years but by now was heavily involved helping his seventy year old father with the event proceedings. Little is known of Frank other than as ‘Ward’ – a name that appears on a number of postcards with views of Lancing as well as Shoreham.
14. Reg Eley was a prominent racing cyclist in the south-east but turned to motor cycles to earn a living when he opened his garage in Shoreham later marrying W.E. Winton’s daughter Myrtle in 1914. He served with the Royal Marine Artillery in WW1 and became another casualty of the effects of the war at his death in 1926 which is noted as ‘having been accelerated by the war.’
20. The Court Kinema – previously another of the Winton family’s businesses when it was known as the Star Cinema and a photo of it is included in the article on W.E.Winton. It stood in Church Street and is now the Co-op goods delivery entrance.
21. Punting Race for Men – the competitors in this race all came from long standing Shoreham families, W. and R. Suter were of the boat building family at Suter’s Yard (see advert on page 23), the three Uptons lived in and around the Surrey Street area (predecessors of Shoreham historian Alan Upton), the Pages were fishermen and ferrymen.
29. Frank Van Der Linde was a Canadian soldier stationed at the Army Camp near Buckingham Park during WW1. He married Shoreham’s Bertha Page and settled in the town (see article ‘Emily Winifred Elizabeth Hudson 1914 – 2005’).
33. Some in the over 55 sculls event were in their seventies!
‘The Story of Shoreham’ is still the definitive history of the town that cost five shillings then and even second hand copies now command prices of around £30.
34. Sussex Mutual advert – Arthur F.W. Eade was the son of the founder of Shoreham’s Eades Stores (see also advert on page 21), he was also another of the town’s early (penny farthing) cyclists and supporter for the acquisition of the Marlipins premises as a museum during the 1920’s. He married twice, to Henry Cheal’s sisters on both occasions. (see articles ‘Some Lesser Known Shoreham Characters’ and ‘The Saving of Marlipins’).
Roger Bateman
May 2013
Photos:- Major Sexton from the Sussex Archaeological Collection; Bill Winton and megaphone from the Winton Family Album; Childrens fancy dress from Emily Hudson.
There are several Names I recognised as being Shoreham men. Sidney Page, in a rowing race, Sidney Page became the Licensee of the Arundel Arms. The names of Arthur Brown, and Ernie Bailey , they worked at White and Co timber Merchants as Timber Porters . I also worked there Vera Bareham in fancy dress, she played the piano in the Collisium Cinema , which she did for many years. Her Brother was Bill Bareham captain of a yacht , a model of which is the Rosalind and retained in Marlipins. Clifford Davey, was the Chemist in the High Street until 1964or so My neighbour Hazel Norris worked on Health and Beauty product sales for him His son was insrumental in the making of the Film a River runs through our town ,with Paul Plumb.
My Granny was Vera Bareham. It was her father that was Captain of the Rosalind. He was William Bareham. Her brother was also called William as was his son. All very confusing. Vera went on to marry Charles Creighton who was a Cinamatographer also at the Collisium cinema