Star Inn

Ghost image ©Roger Bateman

Star Inn   In the 18th century the Star Inn on the corner of Church Street with the High Street was the once town’s main coaching inn and had stables stretching to East Street from the main building. The early 1900’s photo here was taken shortly after a face lift which, sadly, hides for ever its earlier heritage. 

A Forgotten Corner

The chimney marks the building at the east end of the High Street, now Coronation Green area, where Thomas Clayton’s ‘Roman Cement Manufactury’ once belched it’s chalk and lime laden smoke depositing grey ash over the town during the early 1800’s; a barracks was set up there during the Napoleonic War invasion threats; it later became the Albion Steam Brewery and finally the Winton family’s printing works before being demolished  during the 1938 road widening. Behind that Paine’s ironmongery business traded for many years alongside Snelling’s butcher shop.

High Street, Albion Steam Brewery montage

Aerodrome c1913

A collection from Alex Robertson. The early days of aviation at Shoreham.

For a detailed article on the earliest days of aviation at Shoreham visit here.
For a graphical timeline of the expansion of the aerodrome site visit here.

Continue reading “Aerodrome c1913”

History of Shoreham Street Names

by Gerry White

As a child I read that Wilmot Road had been named after Lord Wilmot a supporter of King Charles, and his son Prince Charles, who escaped to France, this could not have been done without the help from the Noble Lord.

I also found out that Lennox Road, was named after an earlier Member of Parliament, who had represented Shorcham. I had never before given much thought to the origin of Street names. Therefore I decided to make notes and to find out more about other streets in this ancient town.  I was not disappointed. 

Continue reading “History of Shoreham Street Names”

Victoria Road School

Junior School (built as The Victoria Upper Council School in 1915)

Victoria Road school has a curious history. Following the Education Act 1870, a school board for New Shoreham was established in 1872, taking over the National Schools and replacing them with a new school in Ham Road in 1875.

In 1915 older children went to the newly built Victoria Upper Council School on the site of the derelict and overgrown Swiss Gardens.

Continue reading “Victoria Road School”

Middle Street

A little known story is  about the demolition of the lovely old cottages in Middle Street that were replaced by today’s car park. Why just those in between other similar cottages in the street? It seems the whole row  were considered then to be unfit for human habitation and, true or not, one of the criteria was said to be a lack of natural light (which of course many old buildings do suffer from). During the inspection of those in Middle Street the  council official responsible for approving the demolishing had reached the cottages beyond today’s car park and, when asked if she needed the light on to be able to see, replied she could see perfectly well. In doing so she could not then condemn it and that, I am told, is why the rest survived.

1914 & 2020 image from NLS and Bing.

Shoreham Beach 1860s

I remember one midsummer morning (during the 1860’s) when we started at six o’clock (from Saddlescombe) to explore that remote wilderness called ‘No Man’s Land’ at Shoreham – then so lonely, now so populous (known) as Bungalow Town. We crossed the old suspension bridge, our country horses shrinking from the gleaming water on either side, turned on to the beach and rode to the only building there in those days*, the now ruined fort at the harbour mouth. From this issued a number of soldiers all in the scarlet coats of the period, who stared at us as if we had been a company of ghosts.
* Written by Maude Robinson in the 1930’s of her childhood 70 years previously who, with the passing of so much time, seems to have forgotten or missed seeing the Preventative Service Watch House, later the coastguard houses, that had been erected by 1829.