Cosy Nook – Widewater

A bit of a coincidence this – looking through some of our collections and found a postcard from a Nelly Bayle to Mrs Daniels in Highbury. Nelly was staying at Cosy Nook in August of 1908, one of the bungalows that was damaged in the 1913 storm described in the earlier Catty Norman article and gives us a different take on the accommodation compared to the glowing compliments usually seen in postcards home. The lady doesn’t seem too impressed with Cosy Nook nor it’s ‘old carriages’ and you have to admit it did look quite plain. For her it was miles from anywhere and located as it was near the centre of Widewater beach I suppose it would have been a fairly long walk to a sufficient number of shops at Shoreham town or Worthing the other way.  She thought it ‘very primitive and quite down to the edge of the sea’ – something of a prophetic remark bearing in mind the subsequent storms.
37, Liberia Road was part of quite an attractive neighbourhood so perhaps Nelly was used to better things but of course she may not necessarily have lived there………. servant or companion perhaps? you could go on forever wondering couldn’t you!