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The history portal for Shoreham-by-Sea, Sussex, England
Bungalow Town
Swiss Gardens
Old Shoreham
Archaeological Articles
World War 1
World War 2
20th Cent. Research
Shoreham research and historical articles relating to the 20th Century
20th Cent. Reference
World War 2
World War 1
19th-Cent. Research
19th Cent. Reference
18th Cent. Research
18th Cent. Reference
17th Cent. Research
HMS Shoreham
Market House & Parliam. Stone
John Butler’s 1786 Sketch
Napoleonic Army Camps
Ropetackle- last 300 years
Rope & Sail Makers
Custom Houses & Cutters
Mills, Millers, Millwrights
History of Church St
Vault in Church St
9 & 11 Church St
Royal Sovereign Pub
Sea Captains Mutual Benevolent Soc.
John Hindes – Naval Hero...
Ayling Family
Old Brewery Chimney
Longcroft: a history
War Hawk
Stow & Son Yachts
Stow & Son - Video
Osman Pacha – last square rigger
Bachelors Hall
The Vinery
Cement Works History
Shoreham Fort
Opening of the Railway
Wall Advertisements
Southwick’s Indian Temple
Cat & Musselman
Quaker Shipowning
Blockade Coastguard Station
Southlands Hospital
Shoreham Grammar School
Victoria Road School
Middle Road School
King’s Manor School
RAF Truleigh Hill
St Marys Tower
Long & Winding Steps
Aerial views – St Marys
St. Wilfrids Children’s Home
Cinemas- early years
Feature Films & Shoreham
Nab Light (Mystery)Tower
Tale of 5 Bridges
Mill Lane in 1939
Shoreham Airport – timeline
Power Stations
Shoreham Aviation History
Saving of Marlipins
Bygone Shoreham Ads.
In Memory of French Sailor
Ferrymen’s Treat
Miown Rescue
Shoreham FC
Tales from Postcards
Bungalow Town (BT)
Early Bungalows
Bungalow Town 1918-39
Catty Norman-Framnaes
Snippets from Past
Fisherman’s Tale –Maples
Rhodesia – bungalow
Along the Beach at BT
Widewater Bungalows
O'Neills of Regina
Railway Carriage Houses
Robertsons and their Bungalows
Last of the BT Carriages
BT Properties 1901 & Lancing 1912-1914
1917 BT Map
1921 BT Pikes
1935 BT Map
World War 1
Army Camp at Shoreham
The Military Camp (video)
War beyond Shoreham Camp
Shoreham Camp – First Hand
Albert Warren of Northamptonshires
Mystery Towers (video)
Shoreham’s WW1 Fatalities
Canvas, Wood & Wire
Shoreham Seaplane Base
John Lyne Collection
Joseph Ripley - photographer
World War 2
Shoreham’s War
Tragedy at Old Erringham
V1 Flying Bombs
Gunnery Training Dome
A Diary of Events
Bombing & WW2 Incidents
Airport Pickett-Hamilton Fort
SS Arthur Wright
Mediaeval Shoreham - alternative View
HMS Shoreham
Swiss Gardens
Early Years in Sketches
Swiss Gardens in Newspapers
Swiss Gardens in 1858
Swiss Gardens 1850's VIDEO
A Short History
New Ballroom 1876
1928 Reopening
18th-Century Ref
1782 Survey: New Shoreham
Shoreham House, John St
19th Century Ref
Ships Built/ Regist. in Shoreham
Stow & Son Yachts
The Old Town Hall
A Small Book of Letters
Captains' Mutual Benev. Soc. 1853
Ship Arrivals 1837-1842
Steam Paddle Tugs
Shoreham Harbour 1875
Ayling Stores Order Book
Railway Bridge 1893
Buckingham Arms Ale Measure
Lancing College History
Lancing College Chapel Guide
Bachelors Hall
Children' Window St. Mary's
20th Century Ref.
Street Names
Cheal Book on Shoreham
List of air accidents at Shoreham
Swiss Gardens 1928 Reopening
Southdown Golf Club 1914
Coliseum Theatre Prog. 1919
Water Carnival Prog. 1923
Shoreham Follies Prog. 1931
Coronation Souv. Prog. 1937
Beves Shed 1949
Town Guide 1951
Water Pageant 1953
Railway Magazine 1955
Archaeology Articles
Excavations: Ropetackle
Excavations:Church St
Excavations: John St
Excavations: Ship St
Loss of St Mary's nave
Southwick Roman Villa
Maritime Archaeology
The Story of Shoreham – by H. Cheal
Winton Family
William Edward Winton
Blind Fanny Winton
Stanley Howard Winton
A Bygone Shoreham Beach
Memories of Shoreham
Reminisces of Shoreham resident
From Garden Close to Downside
James Rooke’s Memoirs
Memories of Seafaring Family
Day in the Life: Gerald White
Police Training 1960’s
Watercraft 1980
Paul Plumb
The Maple Family
Emily Hudson
A Southwick Quaker
Richard Steers – Racing Cyclist
Robertsons and their Bungalows
Bert Longstaff – Prof. Footballer
O’Neills of Regina and Norfolk Lodge
A Small Book of Letters
Tales from the Postcards
Motorcycle Marathon 1912
Farmers, Millers, Bakers
Roadside Memorial -Walter Burrell
Saving of Marlipins
Anecdotes of Shoreham
More Shoreham Characters
Samuel Butler Coll. 1891
John Lyne Collection
Toon Ghose – Shoreham Airport Painting
Census, Directories
Census Transcripts
Census 1841
Census 1851
Census 1861
Census 1871
Census 1881
Census 1891
Census 1901
Parish Records Transcripts
New Shoreham Baptisms
New Shoreham Marriages
New Shoreham Burials
Old Shoreham Baptisms
Old Shoreham Marriages
Old Shoreham Burials
Street Directories pre 1900
1774 Poll Book
1784 Poll Book
1791 Universal British Directory
1820 Poll Book
1832 Pigots
1855 PO Directory Shoreham
1890 Pages
1891 Kellys
1895 Pages
1892 & 1898 Directories
1899 Towner’s Directory
Street Directories 1900-
1902 Towners
1905 Kellys
1907 Towners
1911 Kellys
1915 Kellys
1917 Pikes
1921 Pikes
1925 Pikes
1930 Kellys
1935 Kellys
1938 Kellys
1940 Kellys
1949 Kellys
1954 Kellys
1958 Kellys
1958 Kellys - High St
1964 Kellys
1964 Kellys -High St
1973 Kellys
1921 & 1966 - 1972 Directories
1851-1964 List of pubs/landlords
Bungalow Town Directories
1901 Bungalow Town, 1912-14 Lancing Beach
1914 Bungalow Town (>1917 incl. in Shoreham Direct.)
1921 Pikes -Bungalow Town
1928 Directory - Bungalow Town
Parish Poor Rates
Parish Poor Rates 1827
Parish Poor Rates 1833
1849 Tithe Map & Apportionments
Marlipins Photo Galleries
Photographs, Maps and research materials originated from the Sussex Archaeological Society’s Marlipins Museum Collections in Shoreham.
Marlipins Image CATALOGUE
ALL Marlipins Galleries 1 to 17
Marlipins Gallery 1, 2 & 3
Marlipins Gallery 4,5 & 6
Marlipins Gallery 7, 8 & 9
Marlipins Gallery 10, 11 & 12
Marlipins Gallery 13, 14 & 15
Marlipins Gallery 16
Marlipins Gallery 17 (Aerials)
Bob Hill's Old Shoreham/Buckingham
Map of photographs
Private Collections
Michael Norman
Alan Humphries (Southwick)
Doris Steers
Peggy McCulloch
John Bartlett
Samuel Butler 1891
George Hedgecock, Shoemaker
Anders Lundquist 1960s
Robertsons and their Bungalows
O’Neills Bungalow Town
John Lyne
Other imagery
Ghosts – Animated
Before & Afters
Aerial Photos 1920's-1970's
Meridian Airmaps 1980’s
Britain from Above
Street Photo project
Every building photographed in 2009
High Street
Beach Green
Ferry Road
Moving Images
Old films of Shoreham and video montages of photographs.
Search Images
Map of photographs
17th-20th Century
OS Maps 1898-1937
Nat. Library Scot. Map Overlays
Historic Maps Overlays
Ghosts - Photographs
Ghosts – Animated photos
Ghosts - Video
Shoreham Society
Friends of Old Shoreham
Shoreham Fort
SBS Forum Archive
Facebook Shoreham History Group
Facebook Southwick History Group
Newspapers 18th /19th c. Intro
Shoreham Herald Bygones
Coastguards & Smugglers
Roads, Bridges, Canals
Schools, Churches
HMS Shoreham 1693
Swiss Gardens
Miscellaneous (All)
Miscellaneous (Part 2)
Images tagged "marlipins"
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